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Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of Sterlite Power Transmission Limited has fixed ‘Wednesday, 30th day of October 2024’ as the Record Date for determining the name of equity shareholders of Sterlite Power Transmission Limited, who would be entitled for issue and allotment of new equity shares of Sterlite Grid 5 Limited, pursuant to the Scheme of Arrangement between Sterlite Power Transmission Limited and Sterlite Grid 5 Limited and their respective shareholders and creditors under Sections 230 to 232 and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.

Pursuant to the Scheme of Arrangement, the equity shareholders of Sterlite Power Transmission Limited whose names are recorded in the Register of Members and on the records of Depositories as a Shareholder/Member as on ‘Wednesday, 30th day of October 2024’ shall be entitled to receive 1 (One) new equity share of Sterlite Grid 5 Limited of INR 2/- each fully paid-up for every 1 equity share held in Sterlite Power Transmission Limited of INR 2/- each fully paid-up.